Hey Friends, the first day of school is on the horizon. Whether that day means sweet relief or a morning full of tears, I know that you’ll be there with your camera. Here’s a few tips from me on how to take great first day of school photos!
LIGHT: Find a shady spot or put the sun at their back for pretty hair light and a dreamy morning look! We shoot at about 8:00am in Michigan to have this pretty light.
INCORPORATE ACCESSORIES: Backpacks, lunchboxes, and other “off to school” accessories should be included. My kids thoughtfully picked out their favorite things or were gifted special backpacks. That is all part of this special occasion.
FRAME OUT THE SHOT: I’ve been shooting this particular shot, the view out my front door, for a long time. I love how it’s changed from big sister and baby sis to my two big girls heading off to school together. I use the doorway to frame this moment and give it a documentary “fly on the wall” perspective.
GET IN THE PICTURE: I don’t care if it’s a selfie or not, this day is about you too. You got them this far. Let them know that you care by being in their pictures. And, just to show you that I’m not all talk…here’s a picture with ME in it.
DON’T MISS THE BUS! When I’m telling the story of the “first day of school” I love to catch a shot of the bus. Whether it’s your car or the bus, a picture of your child heading off to school is part of the story of the morning.
TAKE A FEW WITHOUT THE CHALKBOARD: I love variety in my shots and some of my favorite first day of school photos are my daughters without their chalkboards or signs, just dancing/walking/running and being themselves.
PRIVACY IS KING – I don’t share anything on social media that expressly says where my children go to school or who their teacher is. I try to avoid using their names as much as possible too. I still post their images all over the place though.
PRINT SOME WALLETS: I print a few of these wallet size instead of the traditional school pictures. I gift these at Christmas in the Christmas cards to my family. I love printing at mpix.com because their quality is unparalleled. Their wallets come pre-cut with rounded corners and I love how they look!
I hope that these tips help you have a great first day of school photo shoot. Now get some coffee! You earned it!
After you send the kids off to school, it’s time to start thinking about all your awesome fall plans and that should include updating your family photographs! Check out some of my work and book a session for yourself!
Love these tips Sharon! Very helpful.