This photography session is part of a series by Sharon Hoeg Photography of “storybook inspired photo shoots.
Heyyyyyy friends….The phrase “we’re all mad here” takes on new meaning when I think about all the props and things I built, assembled, and created for this session, but it was absolutely 100% worth it.
I photographed the Alice theme for the first time in 2013. That was the session I twisted my ankle so badly that I almost passed out. But, it was also the session where I got in front of the camera too. Shooting alongside some great friends and amazing photographers, I have some incredible pictures of my own children that are hanging in my home today. If you’ve been lucky enough to join me for a holiday session at my home-studio, you might have noticed them. But those pictures were taken 6 years ago and my youngest doesn’t even remember that session! And while she’s been along for some amazing creative sessions like the time she wanted to BE a unicorn and our outdoor holiday tree decorating, we’ve never done anything like this.
Since 2013, I’ve been dreaming about a giant life-size keyhole that was large enough to walk through. My brother and I have built a lot of things together over the years like this lemonade stand, but he moved last summer! So here I was with BIG dreams, a HUGE project, and I had to make it happen alone.
I’m happy to say the results were about 95% what I wanted. I’m thrilled with photo session and can check this one off the “must make” list.
After photographing two other clients on this beautiful set, I took my sweet girls out for an adventure of their own. My intense 10 year old embraced everything evil and fabulous about the Red Queen, but also took a turn playing a tween/teen Alice with attitude. My youngest played a sneaky white rabbit who was not only late, but kept stealing all the cards! In Part One of our adventure, I’m featuring the Queen of Hearts.
I loved revisiting this world one more time and hope you do too. I know my time in Wonderland is not over though! This world never gets old and leaves plenty of room for creative and interesting photography.