I love this family. They always seem so happy to be together. The genuinely like each other! It shows in their family photos. It shows in-between shots. It shows when we are just chatting. They are just a really like-able group of people. So, when mom contacted me about what options I might have for a birthday session, the Lemonade Stand came to mind. It’s fun, interactive, and perfect for two summertime birthdays!
A few months ago, when my brother needed to just make something, he built this amazing lemonade stand for me. We talked about it and then it just showed up in my driveway a few days later! 🙂 It’s a rustic set, unpainted, except for the chalkboard sign, and looks great in the green grassy lawns of Michigan.
Mom loved the idea of the Lemonade Stand because they had done a similar session when her oldest son turned one! And, since these two brothers share the same birthday weekend, years apart, it made for the perfect first birthday photo session.
Big Brother got right to work mixing, stirring, pouring, and making a big lemonade-y mess. Little Brother got right to work wondering why we made him sit in the grass, but was much happier once we handed him a lemon to hold!
I love the way that mom and dad got involved here too, without much prompting from me. Did I mention that they all like to be together?! They hopped right in to mix and stir and pour and serve and taste and play.
That’s what I love most about family photo sessions. It’s a chance to play with your kids, to be in the moment, not distracted by laundry, bills, work, or why the neighbor’s car alarm keeps going off at 3 a.m. It’s a chance to step away for a minute, from the chaos of life, and remember what their laughter sounds like, steal a snuggle, and enjoy each other. It’s a brief timeout for everyone. 🙂 Do you need a timeout with your kids? Book a photography play date with me. 🙂
Thanks for looking!